401=Uninterruptible Power Supply 402=Genie Protocol 403=decapdecap 404=ncednced 405=ncldncld 406=Interactive Mail Support Protocol 407=Timbuktutimbuktu 408=Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. 409=Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. 410=DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol 411=Remote MT Protocol 412=Trap Convention Port 413=SMSPsmsp 414=InfoSeekinfoseek 415=BNetbnet 416=Silverplattersilverplatter 417=Onmuxonmux 418=Hyper-Ghyper-g 419=Arielariel1 420=SMPTEsmpte 421=Arielariel2 422=Arielariel3 423=IBM Operations Planning and Control Start 424=IBM Operations Planning and Control Track 425=ICADicad-el 426=smartsdpsmartsdp 427=Server Location 429=OCS_AMU 430=UTMPSDutmpsd 431=UTMPCDutmpcd 432=IASDiasd 433=NNSPnnsp 434=MobileIP-Agent 435=MobilIP-MN 436=DNA-CMLdna-cml 437=comscmcomscm 439=dasp, Thomas Obermair 440=sgcpsgcp 441=decvms-sysmgtdecvms-sysmgt 442=cvc_hostdcvc_hostd 443=https 444=Simple Network Paging Protocol 445=Microsoft-DS 446=DDM-RDBddm-rdb 447=DDM-RFMddm-dfm 448=DDM-BYTEddm-byte 449=AS Server Mapper 450=TServertserver 512=exec, Remote process execution 513=login, remote login 514=cmd, exec with auto auth. 514=syslog 515=Printer spooler 516=Unassigned 517=talk 519=unixtime 520=extended file name server 521=Unassigned 522=Unassigned 523=Unassigned 524=Unassigned 526=newdate 530=rpc courier 531=chatconference 532=readnewsnetnews 533=for emergency broadcasts 539=Apertus Technologies Load Determination 540=uucp 541=uucp-rlogin 542=Unassigned 543=klogin 544=kshell 545=Unassigned 546=Unassigned 547=Unassigned 548=Unassigned 549=Unassigned 550=new-who 551=Unassigned 552=Unassigned 553=Unassigned 554=Unassigned 555=dsf 556=remotefs 557-559=rmonitor 560=rmonitord 561=dmonitor 562=chcmd 563=Unassigned 564=plan 9 file service 565=whoami 566-569 Unassigned 570=demonmeter 571=udemonmeter 572-599 Unassigned ipc server 600=Sun IPC server 607=nqs 606=Cray Unified Resource Manager 608=Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer 609=npmp-trapnpmp-trap 610=npmp-localnpmp-local 611=npmp-guinpmp-gui 634=ginadginad 666=Doom Id Software 704=errlog copy/server daemon 709=EntrustManager 729=IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client 730=IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp 731=IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp 741=netGWnetgw 742=Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. 744=Flexible License Manager 747=Fujitsu Device Control 748=Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager 749=kerberos administration 751=pump 752=qrh 754=send 758=nlogin 759=con 760=ns 762=quotad 763=cycleserv 765=webster 767=phonephonebook 769=vid 771=rtip 772=cycleserv2 774=acmaint_dbd 775=acmaint_transd 780=wpgs 786=Concertconcert 800=mdbs_daemon 996=Central Point Software 997=maitrd 999=puprouter 1023=Reserved 1024=Reserved 1025=network blackjack 1030=BBN IAD 1031=BBN IAD 1032=BBN IAD 1067=Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. 1068=Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. 1080=SOCKS 1083=Anasoft License Manager 1084=Anasoft License Manager 1155=Network File Access 1222=SNI R&D network 1248=hermes 1346=Alta Analytics License Manager 1347=multi media conferencing 1347=multi media conferencing 1348=multi media conferencing 1349=Registration Network Protocol 1350=Registration Network Protocol 1351=Digital Tool Works (MIT) 1352=/Lotus Notelotusnote 1353=Relief Consulting 1354=RightBrain Software 1355=Intuitive Edge 1356=CuillaMartin Company 1357=Electronic PegBoard 1358=CONNLCLIconnlcli 1359=FTSRVftsrv 1360=MIMERmimer 1361=LinX 1362=TimeFliestimeflies 1363=Network DataMover Requester 1364=Network DataMover Server 1365=Network Software Associates 1366=Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform 1367=DCSdcs 1368=ScreenCastscreencast 1369=GlobalView to Unix Shell 1370=Unix Shell to GlobalView 1371=Fujitsu Config Protocol 1372=Fujitsu Config Protocol 1373=Chromagrafxchromagrafx 1374=EPI Software Systems 1375=Bytexbytex 1376=IBM Person to Person Software 1377=Cichlid License Manager 1378=Elan License Manager 1379=Integrity Solutions 1380=Telesis Network License Manager 1381=Apple Network License Manager 1382=udt_os 1383=GW Hannaway Network License Manager 1384=Objective Solutions License Manager 1385=Atex Publishing License Manager 1386=CheckSum License Manager 1387=Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM 1388=Objective Solutions DataBase Cache 1389=Document Manager 1390=Storage Controller 1391=Storage Access Server 1392=Print Managericlpv-pm 1393=Network Log Server 1394=Network Log Client 1395=PC Workstation Manager software 1396=DVL Active Mail 1397=Audio Active Mail 1398=Video Active Mail 1399=Cadkey License Manager 1400=Cadkey Tablet Daemon
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