由 greengnn 整理
{ Internet Services }
描述: 顏色/桔黃色、灰色。xhtml符合web標準,兼容瀏覽器。 Another template from the "Internet" series made with no tables and no hacks. Main colors are orange and grey.
D/Ls:264 類型:business W3C:XHTML IMG:yes CSS:yes JS:no 點擊此處下載
{ Internet Market }
描述: 顏色/紅色、藍色,采用了圓角矩形框布局,符合標準,有良好的瀏覽器兼容性。 Tabless portal template in red and blue colors with round borders. Uses no hacks and displays well in most browsers.
D/Ls:1217 類型:business W3C:XHTML IMG:yes CSS:yes JS:no 點擊此處下載
出處:Open Web Design