27. The FWA: Favourite Website Awards - Web awards at the cutting edge
28. Speak Up › Design Dialog
網站,技術,Web2.0的最新趨勢(Latest Trends in Web, Tech, Web 2.0)
29. Read/Write Web
30. Wired News
31. Techcrunch
32. Web 2.0 Explorer
33. Modern Life - News & Views of the Modern Internet
34. Solution Watch
35. Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog
36. Home - .net magazine
37. Typographica. A Journal of Typography.
用戶體驗,可用性(User Experience, Usability)
38. UXmatters: Insights and inspirations for the user experience community
有用的小貼士,參考(Useful tips, references)
39. Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide
以技術/設計為主的新聞(News, with Tech/Design section)
40. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
41. SlashDot
42. Digg
更多的網上雜志(Further Online Journals) pdf-mags.com - Your PDF mag’s magazine
經典論壇討論: http://bbs.blueidea.com/thread-2728900-1-1.html
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